The Prayer Room
The Prayer Room is a permanent space, where you can book a slot at any time of the day no matter what your schedule looks like. A space that anyone can use, no matter your age, with others or on your own. A ‘thin’ space where you can expect to experience the presence of God. A space with resources to help you in your journey of prayer.

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14
A culture of prayer
Why and how do we pray?
We pray because Jesus encouraged us throughout scripture to talk to him in our day to day.
Our perspective of things changes when we realise we don’t need to be in control, but can invite God into all of our lives.
It changes situations; our God is so powerful that we can change the course of our lives through our prayers.
How it works
Find a time you’d like to pray and book a time slot here.
Get the access instructions in an email the day before your slot.
Turn up and pray using the helpful resources in the prayer room.
Top tips
You need to book to attend the prayer room, simply click here and choose a slot that works for you.
You can book a repeating slot and book anonymously if you would prefer.
If you have any problems please email
We will send you an email the day before your booking with all the details for accessing the prayer room, so don’t forget to check your inbox or your junk mail.
Where two or three are gathered together in prayer it makes a huge impact, so you can always bring a friend along. We would recommend booking in pairs or threes for a night time slot.
If you’re a bit newer to prayer or feel a bit daunted by the idea of praying for an hour you can still get involved.
The prayer room is full of resources and activities to help you get praying, there’s more than enough to fill your time, (we often find people have to book again because there’s so much to do). It is really accessible for everyone, whether this is your first time praying or you pray daily. Go for it!
Seeing communities coming together to pray is great. The best way to gather together in the prayer room is with those you know.
We would encourage you not to open up prayer slots to everyone as this could be unsafe. We also have anonymous booking options, so only you, and the staff team can see when you’ve booked on.
The Prayer Room is completely secure, with regularly updated entry codes and the access route is covered by CCTV.
We love worship here at St Nicks, but as we have neighbours surrounding our prayer room we ask that louder music can only be done between 9am–9pm. Please be mindful and respectful of noise levels outside of these hours.
Need help with how to use your prayer slot time? Follow the links below to some great resources:
Upcoming worship & prayer events